IRDR ICoE Online Master Forum Series: Rebuilding from COVID-19 to Achieve Global Agenda 2030

As an IRDR ICoE, CCOUC was represented by Centre Assistant Director Mr C. S. Wong to attend the Online Master Forum Series: Rebuilding from COVID-19 to Achieve Global Agenda 2030 by Dr Gordon McBean on 29 September 2020 organised by the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Centre of Excellence Taipei (IRDR ICoE-Taipei). Dr McBean is a former president of the International Council for Science, a sponsor of IRDR. More than 30 international experts participated in the forum.

This forum talked about the 2030 global agenda—Climate Agreement, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and Agenda for Sustainable Development, how the power of everyone might be combined to achieve it, and how the opportunity might be seized to advance towards the 2030 agenda when the COVID-19 has shaken the world. Dr McBean also introduced the research agendas of another international science project, Future Earth, and the Knowledge Action Network co-sponsored by Future Earth, IRDR and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).

