Evaluation trip to Heihe Village in Yunnan Province
A CCOUC team of 24 members returned to Heihe Village in Yunnan Province from 3 to 7 January 2017 for a health intervention and evaluation trip a year after the last visit in January 2016. This trip served as the final phase of the project in Heihe Village, aiming to evaluate the intervention impact to the community and to carry out health education activities.
CCOUC is delighted to have Prof LAM Kin Che, adjunct professor of the Department of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, joining the trip and shared to the team invaluable geographical knowledge like the techniques on environmental assessment during the trip.
The themes of the intervention were disaster preparedness, drinking water treatment and preparation of oral rehydration salts for acute diarrhoea. It provided first-hand opportunity to students to conduct health intervention, from planning to execution, and it is also the first time educational booths were incorporated as a part of the intervention to provide first-hand opportunity for the villagers to apply the freshly learned practical skills.
Overall, this trip wrapped up the project at Heihe Village with successful implementation of health interventions and positive feedback from the villagers.