Health Needs Assessment and Health Intervention Trip to Zuolong Township, Ankang City in Shaanxi Province
CCOUC led a team of trainees and trainers to visit Tayuan Village, Zuolong Township, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province during 21-26 March 2018, partly supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme. This was a health needs assessment and intervention trip co-organised by CCOUC and the Xi’an Jiaotong University. The team conducted survey in Tayuan Village and Mazhong Village, interviewing a total of 140 villagers, collecting data on the basic demographic information and health study about the use of telecommunication devices amongst villagers. Besides, to enhance the health awareness of villagers, a health intervention was conducted in Zuolong Township, covering food-labelling, preparation of oral rehydration solution (ORS) and waste management. Interactive health talk and role-play drama were employed to deliver these key messages.
Aside from conducting the health needs assessment and health intervention, the team participated in a training workshop held in Xi’an Jiaotong University. Speakers from the Xi’an Jiaotong University and CCOUC delivered lectures on The Past and Present of Xi’an, Challenges of Promoting Health Nutrition – Taking Hong Kong as an Example, The Sphere Project and the Chinese Dietary. The workshop aimed at enriching participants’ understanding of the local community and its context, and to enhance their learning outcomes in the field. Furthermore, the team was invited to visit the Ankang Municipality Maternity and Child Care Hospital.
Through this trip, the trainees have gained an in-depth experience of rural reality, and explored the local policies related to public health thoroughly. They also realised the constraints brought about by geographical location, which have hindered the implementation of policy and dissemination of information.